French Newspaper „Le moment” – 28 June 1936

French Newspaper „Le moment” – 28 June 1936

In the memory of an air hero

During the journey around the world of Bâzu Cantacuzino, the author recalls another great pilot, the first hero aviator: Prince Ionel Ghica. In July 1930, he departs alonE in a Havilland – Moth „Motor Gipsy” plane, from Bicester Oxon (England) to Istanbul (Turkey), willing to break the world record for distance in a straight line. Due to very bad weather, the plane crashes at Tekeven (Bulgaria) at only two hours away from the finish line. Seriously injured, the aviator survives and manages to break two national records: one for speed and one for distance in a straight line. The pilot dies young at only 27 years old.

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Previous Newspaper „Viitorul” – 27 June 1936