SET 3 (SET 31)
Fabricant: SETProiectant: Grigore ZamfirescuPrimul zbor: 1928 Specificații (SET 31) Caracteristici generale Echipaj: Doi, pilot si instructor Lungime: 7.20 m (23
At its debut, in 1928, the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Aviation School had only one Klemm airplane, purchased by Mircea Cantacuzino. In 1929, four more airplanes, also Klemm brand, are purchased.
After the Mircea 's death in a plane accident, the school was left with only one plane, a situation that was preserved in 1931 – an apparatus made available by Ioana Cantacuzino. In 1932, the school operates with its own plane and Ioana's, as well as with two machines donated by the Romanian Aviation Propaganda Association (A.R.P.A.). In 1933, the school had two of its own planes, so that in 1934-1935 it was left with only one plane again.
The year 1936 is the most prolific in the history of the association and the school, owning two Universal ICARs, made available by the State Air Secretariat (S.S.A.), along with three Messerschmitts, the property of the school.
In 1937 the school ordered a de Havilland Mot plane, three German Klemm planes and three Czech Zlin XII planes.
Throughout the existence of the school, however, the number of private aircraft owners increases.
The "Mircea Cantacuzino" aviation school is connected to the latest news in the field of aeronautics, both through the airplanes it purchases (Romanian or foreign), through the raids it organizes in the country or internationally, as well as through the entrepreneurial actions it develops: leisure flights over Bucharest, aerial advertising services or planing.
We invite you to a journey into a fascinating world of airplane history whose story is linked to the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Aviation School.
Fabricant: SETProiectant: Grigore ZamfirescuPrimul zbor: 1928 Specificații (SET 31) Caracteristici generale Echipaj: Doi, pilot si instructor Lungime: 7.20 m (23
RWD-13A fost un avion de distanță scurtă din 1935, trei locuri, aripă mare, monoplan, proiectat
PZL P.24A fost un avion de luptă polonez, proiectat la mijlocul anilor 1930 în fabrica
PZL P.11A fost un avion polonez pentru luptă, proiectat la începutul anului 1930 de PZL
A fost un monoplan francez de transport oficial din 1930, construit de Potez și mai târziu folosit
Potez 25 A fost o aeronavă Franceză cu două locuri, un singur motor biplan, proictat
Nardi FN.305 A fost conceput ca avion pentru antrenament și de legătură, primul prototip a
North American P-51 Mustang A fost un monopost de luptă și un bombardier folosit în
Aviation School Mircea Cantacuzino © 2023. All Rights Reserved