AVIATION SCHOOL „MIRCEA CANTACUZINO” An introspection into the history of Romanian aviation from the period 1928-1940.

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Prin acest proiect ne propunem să popularizăm într-o manieră unitară, cu date din arhive personale si publice, istoria Școlii de aviație „Mircea Cantacuzino” (1928 – 1940), ce a marcat începutul aviației civile din România și a influenței hotărâtoare pe care această școală a avut-o în formarea elitei aviatice românești de la mijlocul secolului XX.

Acest site face parte dintr-un proiect mai amplu al Fundaţiei Memoriale Române Mircea şi Dan Cantacuzino, dedicat păstrării memoriei iniţiatorilor şi membrilor proeminenţi ai Școlii de aviație „Mircea Cantacuzino” proiect ce include, printre altele, lansarea cărţii cu acelaşi nume.Am decis înfiinţarea acestei fundaţii cu scopul de a găsi o modalitate cât mai bună de a sprijini cultura română. Sperăm să jucăm un rol în promovarea naţională cât şi internatională a valorilor româneşti. Avem convingerea că astfel de valori încă există şi întotdeauna vor merita susţinute”

Short history

September 1895

Ioana Cantacuzino was born on September 22, 1895, in Islaz, Cotul Lung village in Brăila county

Ioana Cantacuzino was the first student to hold the pilot's license with no. 1, thus becoming the first woman to obtain a pilot's license in Romania.
March 1900

On March 15, 1900, Mircea Cantacuzino, the founder of the first air tourism school in Romania, was born.

Mircea Cantacuzino, descendent al familiei Cantacuzino şi absolvent al prestigioasei facultăți Politehnica din Charlottenburg, deschide în anul 1928 prima şcoala de turism aerian din România.

July 1900

In July 1900, in Germany near Friedrichshafen, a Zeppelin (airship) takes to the sky for the first time

December 1903

On December 17, 1903, Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright managed to make the first controlled flight with an airplane in the state of North Carolina in the United States. Orville manages a 12-second flight covering a distance of 37 meters, and on the same day, in turn, Wilbur manages a 59-second flight covering a distance of 260 meters.

January 1920

On the initiative of Prince George V. Bibescu, the Royal Aeroclub of Romania (A.R.R) was founded in 1920

May 1928

The "Mircea Cantacuzino" aviation school, the first air tourism school in Romania, begins its activity on May 26, 1928, with the purchase by Mircea Cantacuzino of the first air tourism plane, a 20 HP Klemm plane. brought from Germany by air, by him together with lt. Octav Oculeanu.

September 1928

In September 1928, Mircea Cantacuzino brought from Germany a Junkers-type airplane with a 20 HP Mercedes Benz engine, which he made available to his students.

November 1928

In front of a military commission appointed by the Aeronautical Inspectorate, on November 13, 1928, the first 6 pilots trained at the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Aviation School, obtain their certificate cat. I. They are: Mircea Cantacuzino, Edgar Mendl, Walter Hausser, Nicu Ruletta, Renato Ferrero and Constantin "Costel" Sidery.

January 1929

In 1929, the students of the Aviation School "Mircea Cantacuzino" brought an innovation to the Klemm airplane that was in the school's equipment. Due to the unfavorable weather conditions, they mount skis instead of wheels. The plane made very successful flights and landings with lt. Av. Miclescu on the sleeve.

January 1929

The activity of the school starts from 1929 to develop better and better, the number of students reaching 20. Nine of the already existing students enroll to maintain the training.

September 1929

Described in the school's documents, the first formation raid of the Romanian tourist aviation was carried out in 1929 by the students of the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Aviation School

September 1929

In September 1929, "Miky" leaves with five pilots from the group formed by him to bring three new planes on the itinerary: Stuttgart - Prague - Lemberg - Chernivtsi - Bucharest, the pilot teams being made up of: Mircea and Ioana Cantacuzino, Constantin Sidery and Lucien Levy, Ionel Cociașu and Nicolae Poulieff.

May 1930

Preceded by Octav Oculeanu, on May 20, 1930, Lucian Levy becomes the new monitor of the school.

May 1930

On May 25, 1930, the activity of the founder of Romanian air tourism came to an end. Mircea Cantacuzino lost his life in a plane crash. He managed to train 28 students, 15 certified, 3 retrained ex-military pilots, totaling 5746 flights.

June 1930

On June 1, 1930, with the help of family and a few friends, the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Association for the Advancement of Air Tourism was established. The school's activity did not stop, the airplanes continuing their flights as a tribute to the founder of the school, forming new series of pilots.

May 1931

In 1931, the Aviation School "Mircea Cantacuzino" is recognized as the official piloting school of the Royal Aeroclub of Romania, having as honorary vice-president Prince George V. Bibescu, pioneer of Romanian aviation, president of the International Aeronautical Federation in period 1930 - 1941.

Due to the lack of resources, the school's airplanes being taken out of use, the school is forced to suspend its classes temporarily

September 1932

On September 21, 1932, with the help of A.R.P.A., the school resumed its activity

September 1932

A.R.P.A. (Romanian Aviation Propaganda Association) lends the "Mircea Cantacuzino" Aviation School on September 21, 1932, a Messerschmitt 80 C.P. which allows the school to resume its activity.

May 1937

The "Tempo" newspaper, on the initiative of its director, Vasile Canarache, organizes a large raid on the Bucharest-Constanța-Galaţi-Iasi-Cernăuţi route. A large number of students from the school participate, including: Ioana Cantacuzino, Lucien Levy, C. Soutzo, S. Vârnav, Marina Ştirbey, "Bâzu" Cantacuzino. The winner is Marina Ştirbey, followed by S. Vârnav and C. Soutzo.

June 1937

A new section opens within the school for those interested in learning to fly with a glider. Registration starts on June 15 in Drajna commune, Prahova county.

December 1951

After the cessation of school activities, Ioana Cantacuzino retires to the family villa in Călimănesti. On December 15, 1951, he dies at the age of 56. Until now, it is not known where her grave is.

Aviation School Mircea Cantacuzino © 2023. All Rights Reserved
