Newspaper „Universul” – 19 Aug. 1936

Newspaper „Universul” – 19 Aug. 1936

The tragic accident from Otopeni

The Potez 25 plane, piloted by Slt. Vintilă Bălteanu and observer Slt. Av. Gh. Traian Dobreanu, crashed. The pilot was able to be rescued by parachute but unfortunately Slt. Dobreanu died.

[tab title=”Original Document”][singlepic id=544 w=320 h=240 float=none][/tab]

[tab title=”Pilots mentioned”]Slt. Vintilă Bălteanu, Slt. Av. Gh. Traian Dobreanu, Slt. Dobreanu[/tab]

Previous Newspaper „Dimineața” – 16 Sep. 1936