Report 1930

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Ladies and Gentlemen,,

Before proceeding with the presentation of the Association Activity Report, may we turn our thoughts to H.M. the King, on the occasion of our first General Assembly, by expressing our strong belief that His Majesty is to be the accomplisher of his people’s aspirations, withal to address our gratitude and devotion to H.R.H Prince Nicolae, who out of his passion for aviation received the title of Honorary President.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Association for the Development of Air Tourism was founded to carry forward the concept initiated by our late Mircea Cantacuzino, therefore bearing his name virtually signifies that its future path has already been traced: widely promoting passion


and talent for aviation, and gaining courageous defenders for our country’s hard times, due to an amazing sport practicing.
The loss that we suffered by the death of the one who taught us love for flying, left us short of his inexhaustible enthusiasm and material resources which he would put at the disposal of his goal.
Mircea Cantacuzino was a symbol of tenacity and faith, never letting himself diverted by any obstacle arisen during the two years of work for the implementation of air tourism.
Let’s summarize his work which is the starting point for our further activity:

* * *

On 26 May 1928, he landed in Pipera on the first 20 h.p. KLEMM light aircraft, brought by air from Germany together with Lt. Oculeanu. By taking this raid he also accomplished his pilot apprenticeship.
Soon after, he succeeded flying alone and consequently


persuaded others by giving a personal example of self-confidence, courage, and simplicity of character.
That was the “engine” of the aviation school led by Lt. Oculeanu.
The light aircraft on board of which first steps were made for introducing air tourism in Romania did not resist for too long. It was destroyed during an out-of-school air fight demonstration, on 26 August 1928.
Mircea Cantacuzino driven by his strapping optimism knew no defeat, therefore he immediately purchased a new light aircraft so that flights could be restarted on 26 September.
On 13 November, his devotion and work were crowned with success, as the first 6 pilots trained in his school got their license after having successfully passed the exam in front of the military committee appointed by the Aeronautical Inspectorate.
During the winter of that same year, when all aviation activity was ceased, the light aircraft continued to fly by using skis.
In 1929, the school’s activity


increased: 8 new students enrolled, several experienced their first flight, and raids were performed around the country. Mircea Cantacuzino built a hangar on his estate in CORNU, and set up an airdrome where new pilots could train during the summer.

In September 1929, Mircea Cantacuzino left to Germany with 5 pilots from his group, to bring by air 3 new light aircrafts. The itinerary was: Stuttgart, Prague, Lemberg, Chernivtsi, Bucharest, and the pilot crews were: Mircea and Ioana Cantacuzino, C. Sidery, L. Levy, I. Cociașu and Nicolae Poulieff, performing the first raid in formation of the air tourism, carrying the Romanian flag over the 2300 km covered. The warm welcome received by the crews on foreign airfields, made this raid stand for a national aviation event.

In the spring of 1930 the number of enrolled students rose to 17. The founder


of the first school of air tourism was enjoying the results of his steadfast work not exempt from the sorrows inherent to any struggle.
Encouraged by few, perhaps envied by many, seen with distrust by many more, however, he demolished all obstacles and succeeded.
Nonetheless, he was given the fate to seal the new concept with his own blood.

On 25 May 1930, a day of mourning for the Romanian air tourism, Mircea Cantacuzino passed away while being on duty, a duty that was so dear to him.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This was the work itinerary of the founder of the Romanian air tourism; his achievements are absolutely unique among the annals of aviation, for a school which was created, led and funded by one man alone: 28 enrolled students, 15 licensed students, 3 retrained former military pilots, totalling 5746 flights


in 875 hours operated only in raids of 27.712 km.

The founding of our Association in June 1930, with some help from his family and a few generous friends, signifies the fulfillment of a pious debt to Mircea Cantacuzino, the materialization of his desire that the school created with so much sacrifice would not perish with him. Therefore, the activity of the Association did not stop a single moment, and aircrafts continued to fly as a tribute to the one gone. A new generation of students started classes, and the new school director, Lucian Levy, was assigned on 20 May, after Lt. Oculeanu’s resignation. Three of the students passed their tests during the summer, and were given the honor of receiving their pilot’s licenses from H.M. Mihai the Great Voivode of Alba Iulia.

The Association managed to impose itself in the air tourism thanks to two of its members, aircraft owners, Mrs. Ioana Cantacuzino and Mr. Ionel Cociasu. In June, they took part in the Sokol celebrations in Belgrade,


Mr. Lucian Levy piloting the light aircraft of Mrs. Ioana Cantacuzino, and Mr. Ion Cociasu flying on his own light plane, both of them enjoying a warm welcome. On this occasion, they became members of the Air Club in Yugoslavia. Upon their return, they attended the air show in Timisoara, and returned to Bucharest via Brasov.
On 23 July, the Association was invited to attend the air show in Brașov. However, due to adverse weather conditions, two of the three light aircrafts were forced to land in Predeal. Consequently, the participation of the squadron in the event was compromised.
Besides these raids, several pilgrimages were made to the estate in Cornu where Mircea Cantacuzino was buried, as well as many trips throughout the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Even though the Association was grieving the suffered loss and enduring a lack of support, still it remained a starting point in the Romanian air tourism.


Year 1931 opened new horizons for the Association, our school being acknowledged as the official aviation school of the Royal Air Club of Romania. Moreover, the Ministry of Industry decided to subsidize by 40% the price of each purchased aircraft, and 20.000 lei per each licensed student, which represents for us both an important moral and material support.
However, a reliable guarantee for the future of our association is insured by our leaders:
–       the Honorary Vice President, Mr. Bibescu, a Romanian aviation pioneer since times of glory;
–       the President on duty, General Lazarescu who embraced our cause wholeheartedly, and
–       the Vice President on duty, Lt. Col. Negrescu.
From now on, our Association shows determination, confidence, and is fully prepared to serve the country.


 The Censors Report

Domnilor membri,

We are honored to inform you that after checking all the records and the entire accounting of the Mircea Cantacuzino Association for the Development of Air Tourism for the year 1930, we found the following:
1. All expenditures incurred during the fiscal year 1930 were made based on the legal approvals;
2. The income and expenditure account together with the balance sheet for 1930 are enclosed to the report herein.
31 December 1930
(ss) Gh. Cantacuzino
(ss) G. Bals
(ss) Dan Nacescu


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