Constantin „Coty” Abeles

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Constantin „Coty” Abeles
Date of birth: we do not have information
Deceased: we do not have information
Place of birth: we do not have information

Constantin (nicknamed Coty by his friends) Abeles obtains his military pilot’s license on 24 September 1924, at the Tecuci pilot school. Soon, his outstanding skills in the field, would also help him become a flight instructor. In 1930, he is invited to teach at the „Mircea Cantacuzino” School of Aviation. He becomes one of the main flight instructor of the school, where he is in charge in training numerous aspiring pilots , among whom it is worth mentioning Marina Știrbey, Nadia Russo, Constantin (Bâzu) Cantacuzino, and Virginia Duţescu.

In May 1936 he participates in the international air show in Plzen, Czechoslovakia, where at an În mai 1936 participă la un miting aviatic internațional la Plzen, în Cehoslovacia, where he performed next to renowned pilots from Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany and Switzerland. He ranked an honourable fifth place among the twenty competitors, which was equivalent to an international standing.

After the dissolution of the Mircea Cantacuzino School of Aviation, Constantin Abeles worked, until the outbreak of World War II, at the Aero Club in Prahova. During the war, graded as the rank of captain, he appointed the commander of a transport department that operated on the Eastern Front using Junkers 52 aircrafts. At the end of the war, since he was not a supporter of the new regime, Abeles did not find a place in the Romanian aviation

Ultimately, he left Turkey and settled in the United States and died in New York.


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Constantin „Coty” Abeles
Date of birth: we do not have information
Deceased: we do not have information
Place of birth: we do not have information

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Constantin „Coty” Abeles
Date of birth: we do not have information
Deceased: we do not have information
Place of birth: we do not have information


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Constantin „Coty” Abeles
Date of birth: we do not have information
Deceased: we do not have information
Place of birth: we do not have information



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